
Why should we not Cut Hair/Nails on Tuesday?

Have you ever been irritated by hearing these?

“Don’t cut your nails now!

Don’t bring a bad soul inside the home!

Why are you creating such a nuisance?

How can we live happily if you do this?

This will not happen in any home!

Why can’t you do this tomorrow instead of today?

Will you stop cutting or not?”

There is nothing different in any Hindu family. People follow it blindly as we should not cut our nails during auspicious days and at night without worrying about its reasons.

What do you think about this faith?

Are these only superstitious, or is any reason available?

It seems reasonable for those who believe in Astrology and do not like to question the traditions. Those not satisfied with these activities always try to find the actual scientific reasons behind such things.


Hair Cut on Tuesday

Unlike the present day, where every profession has a holiday on Sunday, a.k.a the weekend, people in different professions had different days of the week as a holiday in ancient India. Barbers, whose job was not only doing haircuts but also trimming nails, observed their weekly holidays on Tuesdays. This was done so that people got a day off and still had access to other services that would still be available on their holiday. E.g. a vegetable vendor would still sell vegetables on a Tuesday, and since a barber is off on a Tuesday, he could do his grocery shopping. Likewise, on another day when a barber is at work, let’s say the vegetable vendor is off and can get a haircut without worrying about his business.

As time went by, the holiday pattern changed, but people still do not get a haircut on a Tuesday. Since nail cutters are now common, nobody bothers about a nail cut on Tuesday anymore. But sadly, in some communities, cutting nails and hair on a Tuesday is considered taboo, although people have forgotten the main reason why their ancestors did not have it cut on this day.

The fact behind this custom is so simple, but we made it complicated unknowingly.

Ref: Dharamvigyaan 

Auspicious Day to Cut Nails

I feel there are no such traditional or scientific reasons behind cutting nails during night hours. 

During those days, there was no electricity, and people lived in the light of the Sun, Moon, and Wick Lamps. No nail cutters were there, and people used only knives to cut their nails.

Auspicious Day to Cut Nails

Cutting nails in the lighting of a lamp may hurt, and the nail pieces may fall hither and thither. Those pieces may hurt anyone or maybe a threat to hygiene also when mixed with eatables unknowingly.

That was the reason people avoided cutting nails during night hours. But it was easier to influence people by citing religion than science in ancient days. Hence the things were explained religiously to make them understand and to make them follow.

Thank you for reading!!

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  1. Thangamithran

    Woww nice msg..thank you madam 🙏💐

    • Dhivya

      Thank you sir

  2. Niruban

    Super Message

    • Dhivya

      Thank you sir

    • Vinoth

      Nice message…

      • Dhivya

        Thank you

  3. Mr.Ray

    Awesome…..it’s great and worthy topic.
    You are simply awesome especially in this kind of topics.
    Expecting more topics from you like this.

    • Dhivya

      Sure Thank you

    • Tamil

      Super and useful message madam…..👌

      • Dhivya

        Thank you

  4. www shoyaatlanta

    Very descriptive blog, I enjoyed that bit. Will there be a part 2?


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Vinoth Kumar

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